The chaos between everyone running away from the zombies definitely makes it much more interesting than zombies cruising the sidewalks, waiting for you to wander past them. Shadowhunter for the idea and inspiring me to make it. Please leave feed back and/or bugs found. If there's anybody that is able and willing to re-skin any of the peds into zombies please let me know. Need more zombie skins to add more variety between zombies. Zombies spawn in groups eg the same model/character.

This still apply's but found a common between areas, this should add abit more variety with peds and cars " Cars and peds same everywhere throughout Steelport" Had to disabled the rainy weather to fix it.Īvoid using any rainy weather cheats, has same effect. Zomibes disappear/don't spawn when its raining. " In some areas they don't spawn or stop spawning for abit" Zombies spawn in groups abit less then before. Re-balance zombies to peds ratio so more peds spawn now. Tweak zombies AI config file to make them more aggressive. Give Brute zombies more health (They're still easier to kill than normal brutes) They don't always spawn straight away, go to a different area like over one of the bridges.

This mod allows zombies to spawn with normal peds, cars, cops and gangs etc using the zombie peds cheat.